(English) GNM testimonial

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Severe skin symptoms in the area of the genitals, lower abdomen and inner thighs

Report and analysis according to the system of the 5 Biological Laws of Nature (5BL, New Medicine, GNM, German New Medicine).
Diagnoses Genital herpes, shingles, psoriasis, purpura, syphilis
The report is about About a client / patient of me / family member
Gender Female
Age 36 years (at the time of the symptoms / disease)
Handedness Right
Additional methods
Categories Observation of several similar SBS runs, e.g. multiple identical PCL phases (thereby validation of the cause)
Small to medium (sore throat, lumbago, sudden hearing loss, allergies, ...)


A few years ago, I had a patient (36 RH) who had massive skin abnormalities. It was genital herpes, shingles, psoriasis, purpura, all recurring, and all in the area of the genitals and lower abdomen and inner thighs, on both sides. The doctors and alternative practitioners, witches and faith healers, kinesiologists and shamans were unable to determine a cause, but could only apply their “treatment methods”. Creams, cortisone, compresses, wraps, alkaline baths, homeopathy, Bach flowers, fumigation, laying on of hands, Tai Chi, dietary changes. Some things helped for a short time, but nothing helped!

After many long discussions, we came closer to a solution. The background was the family situation. Her ex-husband had taken one of her two children away from her and she naturally missed her daughter very much. (Her husband, who was now her ex-husband, also put her under enormous pressure, stalked her, threatened and humiliated her when she had a new “boyfriend” who also lived in the house. Even when the child returned to live with her, the skin abnormalities didn't go away, which surprised us all very much. We really didn't make any progress during these initial discussions.

After more than a year, she contacted me again. She wanted to talk. We had a nice, long evening, and after a few or many glasses of wine she told me in tears that her ex-husband had been forcing her to sleep with him for years, even though she didn't really want to. He urged her (defiled) her with it again and again, and at the same time threatened her with the loss of alimony payments if she didn't “do it with him” again and again (for the sake of the “good” old times), and then he simply left again, he to his new life (with a new girlfriend) and she to her new life (with a new boyfriend).

She had always wanted more than two children, but her new boyfriend was several years younger and couldn't give her mentally and intellectually what her ex-husband could offer her, so her attempts to have children again failed. Logically, she was also diagnosed with ovarian cysts and she actually looked much younger than she was. She never really respected her boyfriend and admitted to herself that he was just a “placeholder” so that she wouldn't be alone and also to “get back at” her ex-husband. Her sex life was therefore extremely ambivalent in terms of pleasure. Sometimes she liked it with her boyfriend, sometimes with her ex, sometimes not at all. She had no children with either of them.

This whole relationship drama dragged on for 7 years, and she suffered one “skin disease” after another, all in the aforementioned area. It didn't change when her child returned to her, and even when the “defilement” of the ex-husband (coercion to have sex and constant defilement, “there was good sex between us before”) stopped, the “disease names” changed but everything always revolved around the area of reproduction and sexual organs.
Even syphilis developed, but only she had it, no one else involved. (There is NO infection!)

After the man remarried and his new wife had their first child, it stopped abruptly. The conflict was finally resolved.
The woman was in an RCA, a returning conflict activity, or recurring conflict activity. The quicker solution would have been to reconcile with her ex and resume her marriage. THAT was her conflict! That's why the symptoms disappeared abruptly when her husband remarried and became a father again.

There were several conflicts on top of each other and several special programs were running.
(Index Organ Atlas 2nd edition German)
1. separation conflict child (5.1.7. / 5.1.D.)
2. separation conflict boyfriend (5.1.7. / 5.1.D.)
3. defilement conflict ex-husband (3.1.2. / 5.1.7. / 5.1.D.)
4. unfulfilled desire to have children (4.1.14. / 2.1.19. / 2.1.24. / 2.2.2. / 5.2.A. / 5.2.B. / 5.2.6.)
5. disgust conflict - involuntary sex (5.1.9. / 2.1.17. / 2.1.18. / 2.1.19.)

After she broke up with her boyfriend and did everything she could to get her husband back, but that didn't happen, and he lived in a new marriage and then became a father, she felt it was completely hopeless that things would ever work out between them again. She came to terms with it. The symptoms stopped.

Children rarely have conflicts that manifest themselves in organic illnesses and, in the event of illness, they usually carry out the conflicts of the alpha parent, i.e. the parent with whom the bond is strongest. However, this only applies as long as they are not yet sexually mature (w - menarche, m - voice change). In this case, the daughter never actually became organically ill. She instinctively switched back to her mother at her own request after the onset of menstruation. Here you can see how intelligently Mother Nature solves things and how our brain has already solved/prevented the conflict before we even become aware of it.

Beide Kinder leben trotz organischer Gesundheit in Konstellationen. Borderlinestörungen, suizidalem Verhalten, Hang zu Depressionen und Hoffnungslosigkeiten, Antriebslosigkeit, Waagestörungen, bipolar, ADHS (Organatlas ab Kapitel 6.5.A-G./6./.)

Final personal thoughts from Micky:
NEVER separate if you have started a family and had children! Go to marriage counseling, partnership training, get help, get back together, let the man have his cellar, or send him to the brothel, go to the swingers club or to church if you like, but LET THEM HELP YOU and stay TOGETHER!
Become harmonious again and NEVER let things escalate as described here. When children are involved, it simply MUST work out somehow. You are endangering your own health and even more so that of the children! Follow the wise advice of my ex-mother-in-law: NOTHING BETTER WILL COME AFTER!

The consequences for children from unstable backgrounds are massive and cannot be outweighed by how many conflicts YOU have or have had as parents. Children are the future, your future, the future of humanity. Think of the consequences of a separation: custody disputes, behavioral problems, mental disorders, guidance counselors, school psychologists, later assisted living and living, self-disturbed and ambivalent relationships, “inherited conflicts” due to bad role models from parents, lack of social skills. The experience of quarrels and reconciliation is fundamental for their own relationship behavior in the future. If the children experience arguments without reconciliation and the childish running away, covering their ears, swallowing stressful situations in the family, all this makes them more unstable than if conflicts are resolved harmoniously and for REAL. This kind of real experience from childhood shapes children much more than if you tell them “Do it better than us!” That doesn't help at all!

Separations and divorces can go on for decades and lead to divorce again. Breaking this cycle is very difficult, but it can be done.

Best regards, Michael J. Schulze (Micky)

Note: Have you also had exciting experiences with the 5BL? If so, it would be great if you could send us an anonymized report so that we can publish it in the archive and everyone can benefit from your experiences. Thank you very much!

5 Biological Laws of Nature

German New Medicine, Germanic New Medicine, Dr. Hamer, 5BN, GNM, 5BL, 5 Natural Laws of Biology

On this page you will find an introductory video series on the New Medicine’s 5 Natural Laws of Biology (5BN), which are also known as German New Medicine (GNM).
The biological laws were discovered by Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer.